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Faith and Life Ministry Team

This ministry team seeks to offer opportunities to strengthen our faith through worship, Sunday school, Bible study, or simply viewing a Christian movie, to name a few. We look for ways to Come together under God's presence and to Grow by hearing His word and understanding His teachings. We can then Live out His ways to be disciples to others.

Sunday school is offered for children three years of age through sixth grade. Vacation Bible School is offered for one week in the summer to the same age group. Christian education and service designed to help students seeking to affirm their faith. Adult mentoring accompanies this program. Bible study continues to offers various topics and is scheduled throughout the year.

"Wherever two or more are gathered in My name I am in the midst of them." --Matthew 18:20. It is up to each of us as faithful followers to gather and worship. This ministry team helps to organize meaningful services, take care of our sanctuary and altar area through the altar guild, and provide opportunities for every member to serve through musical talents, reading, ushering, and helping to serve communion.

If you would like to join this ministry team, want more information, our have any concerns, contact Council Members Dean Brunkhorst or Gloria Hill.

What we coordinate:
• Bells
• Choir
• Altar Guild
Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
• Communion Servers
• Ushers & Readers
Affirmation of Faith Program
◦ Mentors
◦ Adult Education
◦ Book Study/Club

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